The Evolution line was born from a simple question.

"Jiu Jitsu has evolved a lot in the last 100 years. Could the gi evolve to keep up with it?"

ROKN decided to find out.

For this, our team tested numerous combinations of models, fabrics and adjustments. And after 12 months of research and development, we finally arrived at the answer: yes!

And the Evolution line is proof.

Every detail of it has been carefully thought out and crafted for your comfort and performance. Find out more below.


The Modeling

Ergonomic Evolution

The traditional Jiu Jitsu kimono is based on the Judo uniform. But the Evolution line uses this classic design only as a starting point and adapts it specifically to the needs of Jiu Jitsu.

This is only possible thanks to three original and exclusive ROKN systems:


Parabolic Sleeves

The normal vagui (jacket) has sleeves and shoulders built in a straight line, but hardly during the fight the athlete is in this position.

The innovative design of the Evolution kimonos has parabolic sleeves.

In addition to a better fit, they allow more freedom of movement, create less fabric leftovers and ensure more comfort when rolling.


Darts Pre-Hinged Joints.

These cutouts over the knees and elbows hug the joints for a better fit. Less clearance in the smallest areas, more space where it really matters.

This means that your kimono will not limit your attack and defense movements, nor will it help your opponent to catch.


Sliding Strings

You know that cord that escapes from your waist when you squeeze it, causes discomfort and keeps untying?

Its days are over.

With the Sliding Strings system, the cord is protected inside the seam and pants.

In addition to preventing accidents and burns, the system prevents the cord from being pulled or caught during the fight.

What about that? Less breaks to pack your pants and more training!


The lapel

The lapel of the Evolution kimonos is constructed with a double layer of EVA and fabric. High strength and longevity.



The inner part of the lapel, as well as the peak (back seam) is covered with a layer of twill -- instead of the traditional braided fabric. This makes the kimono lighter and reduces friction on the skin.


The pants

The cut of the pants is designed to relieve pressure and reduce wear and tear in more critical areas like the knees and crotch. The hem features four layers of seams, also covered in twill. Footprint proof.



The embroidery of Evolution kimonos features vibrant colors and high definition. A unique and modern look that matches the design of the mantle.




A linha Evolution nasceu de uma pergunta simples.

"O Jiu Jitsu evoluiu muito nos últimos 100 anos. O kimono poderia evoluir para acompanhá-lo?"

A ROKN decidiu descobrir. 

Para isso, a nossa equipe testou inúmeras combinações de modelagens, tecidos e ajustes. E após 12 meses de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, finalmente chegamos à resposta: sim! 

E a linha Evolution é a prova.

Cada detalhe dela foi cuidadosamente pensado e trabalhado para o seu conforto e performance. Descubra mais abaixo.


A Modelagem

Ergonômica Evolution

O kimono de Jiu Jitsu tradicional é baseado no uniforme do Judô.  Mas a linha Evolution usa esse desenho clássico apenas como ponto de partida e o adapta especificamente para as necessidades do Jiu Jitsu.

Isso só é possível graças a três sistemas originais e exclusivos da ROKN:


A lapela

A lapela dos kimonos Evolution é construída com uma camada dupla de EVA e tecido. Alta resistência e longevidade.



A parte interna da lapela, assim como a pala (costura das costas) é revestida com uma camada de sarja -- ao invés do tradicional tecido trançado. Isso torna o kimono mais leve e reduz o atrito na pele. 


A calça

O corte da calça foi pensado para aliviar a pressão e reduzir o desgaste em áreas mais críticas, como os joelhos e a virilha. A barra apresenta quatro camadas de costuras, também revestidas em sarja. À prova de qualquer pegada.



O bordado dos kimonos Evolution apresenta cores vibrantes e alta definição. Um visual único e moderno, que combina com o design do manto.